Monday, November 21, 2005


...their extinction hung in the wings. Can we still care enough to set them free?


Tony Sarrecchia said...

Powerful. Great job.

carla said...

This is a really strong illustration. I like how you've framed it in the narrow vertical space.

franhilz said...

Very good illustration
I think you are a birds-observer
The figure is very close in zoological details

Angela Wales Rockett said...

Wonderful image! Great draughtsmanship, perfect composition, energetic linework, and it really captures "free". Very powerful.

Trout Fishing on Oahu said...

The illustration itself is very good (technique, color), but the perspective really drives your point. Good job.

quiet storm said...

Spontaneous, fleeting, energetic -- once again, you've succeeded in capturing the essence / simplicity of idea in form, yet still manage to convey a wealth of complex information. My arm hairs stand on edge!

green said...

Definitely your best one so far. Everything about it is incredible...technique, composition, perspective, and concept. It's inspiring.

Anonymous said...

What more can I say that hasn’t been said … this is parallel to a Da Vinci design! Enlarged image must been seen to appreciate!!

Jim Howard said...

Upper Level!

Christine Lim said...

I can see a lot of confidence in your strokes. Very intriging piece of work. I like the perspective, rough but detailed linework and the shades.

I also like all other illos you have done.