Friday, May 18, 2007

Citrus-flavored Neighbor's Sign

In an instant, your sign can be signaled and seen. The slightest movement could trigger emotions in someone or something else. These are my neighbors. They smell of citrus. Perhaps they were into the air fresheners again.


Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Cool illo! sort of trippy.

studio lolo said...

Hilarious how you've fit in the last 3 IF challenges in one post!! I love it!

Willie Baronet said...

Nice drawing and nice combo job!! Very inventive. :-)

bookbabie said...

wild illo, you got caught up:)

Jeffrey Morgan said...

Homer - mmmmmmmm, citrus flavored neighbor sign....Doh! Good Job!

Catalina Alvarez said...

Clever idea!

loga said...

Very cool stuff