Sunday, February 08, 2009


Primitive Day Trumpet: "It's time to get up, it's time to get up, it's time to get up in the morning!" watercolor, gauche, pen & ink, oil, and aging/cracking varnish


INDIGENE said...

Lol! Great concept!

joseph's art and stuff said...

Excellent job on this! Love the idea (makes me want to get chickens again) and the way you worked the materials!

Lucy Autrey Wilson said...

Wonderful. When I had chickens the roosters would start crowing way before dawn so this brings back memories!

Annette Q said...

Beautifully painted!

Brine Blank said...

I wasn't expecting that! I thought the line version was great but this really stepped it up a notch!

Jim Howard said...

This is the one. The subsequent post is nice, but this one, this one is proud, pretty, and superb. You can draw.