Wednesday, November 29, 2006


I have no idea, but this is called Da Marzo Machine. It rotates and cuts the noses off the glasses. The parts are then saved and worn at meetings.


Michael Villegas said...

great drawing. it's all in the details. nice work.

JO said...

It is a great drawing and funny as well.

Michelle Lana said...

great drawing-

Bill Z said...

funny and nice drawing - you've got a lot of cool stuff here - I especially like the running dog with glasses

bekava said...

so... random. I like!

Brine Blank said...

Not only do I have 'those' meetings...but I also have a set of those glasses hanging on the corner of my computer monitor...great draw.

Anonymous said...

nice work! I've used one of those before, but it was in reverse.

Anonymous said...

Love the description! Cool idea, if you wear these at a meeting you could more or less say what you like without anyone recognising you!

quiet storm said...

nice imagery...different approach but technically sound. da vinci meets abstraction...the repetition of similar forms unifies the compposition.