Friday, November 17, 2006


College Dining Hall: everyone standing in line like it was a rock concert. Bent silverware, greasy plastic trays, the guy in the back sweating on the potatoes -- you know what I'm talking about. But, we all loved it -- even went up for long as you had someone's "ticket." Same thing on Crab Legs Night.


Willie Baronet said...

Nice one. Any meal is a good meal. :-)

neilornstein said...

that turkey is inspiring

A Sepia Colored Photo said...

wow.. its amazing how things look when youre glasses are more clean. cool turkey

AG said...

spontaneously beautiful!

Brine Blank said...

Great turkey...crab legs would work though!

milo said...

colors are beautiful, love your restraint in using red only around the vulnerable eye, causing the viewer to face/acknowledge the animal

Anonymous said...

that's one beautiful watercolor you've got there.

quiet storm said...

mmmm...gotta love that turkey! You watercolor's simplicity is its strength. Beautiful.